As you may have deduced from the title, we are expecting a BOY in April! We found out the week of Thanksgiving and we surprised the family on Thanksgiving day with a scavenger hunt. We wrapped up 3 "hints". The last "hint" was a blue pumpkin ~
This was the big reveal picture ~
To be honest, I was hoping for a boy. There are 4 girl grandchildren on my husband's side and Audriana is the only grandchild on my side. So a boy was very exciting news for both sides! Aside from that... from the unhealthy cravings I've been having (deep dish pizza and coke, mexican, salted caramel mochas...) I was hoping it was a boy.
Audriana, on the other hand, kept insisting that she was having a sister. I don't really think she understands, though. She was with me at the ultrasound when we found out the news. When the dr. said "it's a boy!", she put her face in her hands and said "oooohhhh".
I grew up with two brothers, so I really have no idea what it would be like to have 2 girls.
I've also been making/buying boy clothes (before I knew it was a boy).. So I'm glad I'll have a boy to wear them!
I bought the bedding and planned the nursery theme (Circus) before I knew. It makes me more excited that a boy will be occupying that room now.
Baby boy clothes and shoes, trucks, cars and trains, baby smiles, tiny diapers, Circus nursery...
Those are some of the things I'm excited for...
Dirt, jumping in mud puddles, climbing on everything (and jumping off), loud noises, inability to sit still, bugs.... Well, those are some things I will have to get used to :)